Professional Links
You may reach many of the agencies and corporations with whom
Dr. D. Mark Kennet has afilliated either currently or in the past via
the links below. I am also posting links to various sites I think are
Professional links
The World Bank
Organismo Supervisor para la Inversión Privada en
Telecomunicaciones (Osiptel) (Peru)
EKonomics, LLC
OTE Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (Greece)
Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (Portugal)
McCarthy-Tetrault (Canada)
Covec Ltd. (New Zealand) Interconnection page
Alterna Peru - one of the premier economic consultants in South
TMG Telecom - a leading telecom management group in the US.
Ariel Rubinstein's web page, containing a wealth of information
on game theory and other topics
Economist Jobs